Steve Hammock

Steve Hammock

Businessman, Austin, TX, USA

"I had a great time doing Primal Play at Darryl’s workshop. I’ve always found working out a bit of a drudgery and more of a chore than it should be and I now have a few more ideas of how I can spice things up a bit.”

Lynne Clark

Lynne Clark

Yoga Teacher, UK

“I first came across Darryl when looking for help with a chronic health condition. Non-judgemental, supportive and collaborative in his approach, he created an individualised program incorporating nutrition, lifestyle and movement.

As a movement coach Darryl is truly inspiring. With his wealth of knowledge, encouragement, support and ability to offer the fun as well as the challenge he has reignited a long lost joy in movement and the array of benefits, both mental and physical, that this brings.

Inspiring me to be the best that I can be, I cannot thank him enough for the positive effect that working with him continues to have on my quality of life.”

Scott Wright

Scott Wright

Carer, Leeds, UK

“The Animal Moves book is a series of full body workouts that work a lot of the stabilisation muscles often left out by other programmes. Enjoyable and challenging with a real focus on fun. We would all do well to incorporate these moves into our day to day.”

Polina Sayess MD

Polina Sayess MD

Physician, NH, USA

“As a medical doctor, I regularly discuss physical activity with my patients. I often recommend the Primal Play website, Animal Moves book and cards as a well rounded program that covers strength, balance, stamina and speed. It is fun to do for the whole family.”

It is also very beneficial for people who experience back pain or knee pain. I cannot recommend this restorative approach highly enough as I have experienced the benefits myself by doing it!

Dr Chris Solomonides

Dr Chris Solomonides

A&E Consultant, London, UK

“I absolutely love the philosophy and execution of Primal Play! These movements REALLY are challenging and require so much strength, speed, stamina, stability and suppleness. The ultimate workout. Want a bulletproof musculoskeletal system? Go primal!”

Rebekah Salmon-Craig

Rebekah Salmon-Craig

Rebekah Salmon-Craig, Teacher, Birmingham, UK

“Primal Play: The movements are dynamic and energising and give real results, without the burden and monotony of modern day 'exercise'. Darryl's mantra 'movement is medicine' is inspiring. I love to move like an animal, it's liberating and feels somewhat innate to us as humans!”