No Play No Gain: Is Exercise as Medicine too Bitter a Pill to Swallow? [DOWNLOAD]

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No Play No Gain: Is Exercise as Medicine too Bitter a Pill to Swallow? [DOWNLOAD]

No Play No Gain: Is Exercise as Medicine too Bitter a Pill to Swallow?

Extended Abstract published in Journal of Evolution and Health

Edwards, Darryl (2019) "No Play No Gain: Is Exercise as Medicine too Bitter a Pill to Swallow?,"Journal of Evolution and Health: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 7.

“There is a universally low rate of regular exercise and physical activity participation, ignorance of the ongoing problem of exercise program adherence and a focus on exercise for aesthetics or health rather than joy.

Alternative approaches should be adopted to ensure that adults see joy and wellbeing as an essential part of their physical activity journey.”

You can read or download the full article for FREE in the Journal of Evolution and Health.