
News: Child Diabetes Risk Soars With 3-hrs Screen Time A Day

News: Child Diabetes Risk Soars With 3-hrs Screen Time A Day

This screen time is applied to TV, tablets, mobile phones, games consoles and computers with under-fives in Britain spending over four hours and older children averaging over five and a half hours a day according to the communications watchdog Ofcom in the 2016 report Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2016.

Top 7 Benefits of Play for Toddlers and Young Children

Top 7 Benefits of Play for Toddlers and Young Children

Toddlers and young children of pre-school age playing and running around on the playground are engaging in the types of activities that are improving both their physical and emotional health while preparing them for further physical and social development.

The Top 6 Reasons Why You Need To Play With Your Baby

The Top 6 Reasons Why You Need To Play With Your Baby

Even when babies are casually picking up objects, blowing bubbles when feeding, putting rattles into their mouths, or laughing when you play peek-a-boo with them, they are learning about the world around them. When you play with babies, you enhance their cognitive and social skills that are so essential for their development as they get older.