World Play Day 2020
World Play Day 2020
““Play is a universal language and it is something we should all be fluent in...”
May 28, World Play Day
World Play Day is celebrated in over 40 countries
Today is World Play Day which is about connecting generations through play, the theme for 2020 is “Be Safe, Play At Home.”
World Play Day May 28, 2020
Play is a universal language and something we should all be fluent in.
Challenge yourself today (and every day) to play more. Try something new. Be curious, explore and take pleasure in the world around you.
Play tends to be one of the most neglected of all rights of a child.
Increasing modernisation negatively influences the way children engage in play. For many children, child labour, domestic work and increasing academic and parental demands reduce the time available for play.
Allow your kids to play freely, watch them play, teach them to play and embrace your inner child as well, that certainly helps.
If you haven’t tried Plank Tennis yet give it a try [click on the video below]
Plank Tennis is much more fun than doing the Plank exercise. I never do planks as I don’t find them particularly exciting—but I do love Plank Tennis! Time flies when you are having fun.
Try this outside (or indoors), get off the tech and play. Console your inner child by letting them know you haven’t totally forgotten about them.
RELATED: The Top 10 Benefits of Play